What are your dreams and goals for 2020?
2019 is coming to a close, and no doubt you have been dreaming about the potential of a brand-new year.
January 1 … just wide-open possibilities before you.
What will you chase?
Here’s one thing I know that is true about 2020 and you.
Life will present many options and opportunities for you in the next 12 months.
Here’s another thing true… you can’t do them all.
The requirements, opportunities, requests, distractions, and the list goes on will chase you every day.
One of the greatest decisions you can make is to get out in front of your own life and decide what you will chase rather than reacting to all that chases you.

Here’s a short list of just a few things that may chase you:
- Opportunities
- Regrets
- Social Media
- Relationships
- Temptations
- Deadlines
- Pleasures
- Unfinished projects
- Dreams
Learn to ignore, drop, release, or run from the things that chase you that don’t add value to your life or the lives of others.
For example, I’m going to “run” from small thinking, time-wasters, and responsibilities that others can do as well or better than I can.
It’s not enough to say no to much of what will chase you in 2020. The only way to truly make progress is to choose what you chase.
What will you chase?
I don’t know the details of your life, but if you make your own list of things to pursue, I’ll bet these 3 make it near the top of your list.
3 Smart Choices for 2020:
1) Chase after the fullness of following Jesus.
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
I don’t pretend to be a theologian with “the” answers to this weighty question, but some things are clear. Let’s start with a foundational thought and build from there.
Following Christ is not an item on a list of things to do, it’s a way of living. It’s not a professional commitment or a weekend endeavor; it’s the way you see life, eternity, and how you interact within it.
Following Jesus includes the attitude of his heart, the focus of his thoughts, and the actions of his life.
I’m hesitant to list three bullets to represent the fullness of following Jesus. Obviously, this will fall short. I hope to paint the big picture, and you can fill it out more personally by soaking in the gospels.
- Choosing to love others unconditionally. Even when it’s difficult, Jesus sets the example of loving others and made sacrifices for them.
- Submission to the will of the Father and His Kingdom purposes. Jesus does nothing apart from the Father and sets His will aside for the kingdom of heaven.
- Choosing to serve others with joy and consistency. Jesus is the opposite of selfish in every sense; he lived daily to serve others.
I remind myself not to become overwhelmed by attempting to get all this right. It’s a relationship, not a performance. The closer I am to Christ, and the Spirit’s influence within me, the more I desire to live this way, and the power of the Holy Spirit enables me.
2) Chase healthy and meaningful relationships.
The depth and richness of life come from personal relationships.
Perhaps “chase” doesn’t sound like a very relational word, but I like it because it carries the idea of effort. It communicates the truth that you have to move toward and pursue closeness, or you won’t experience it.
I’m very blessed with many long-term friendships, decades-long. In fact, some even 40+ years. None of them, however, happened accidentally, and all need heartfelt connection, care, and communication to remain real.
Your wiring may be designed for a few close friends or many meaningful relationships, but either way, life has meaning in large part because of the love and care you have for each other.
Lifelong friendships aren’t always easy, but they are always worth it. The following list is a few of the things I’ve learned over the years. I still mess up regularly, but when I get these right, wow, the results are amazing.
7 values for meaningful relationships:
- Courage for honest communication
- Shared experiences
- Commitment to give generously, not just receive
- Maturity to apologize and change
- Focus on the good and overlook human flaws
- Willingness to put the other person first
- Laughter …. Lots of laughter!
3) Chase what produces the most significant results.
The very word “produce” can get many of us in trouble. There is no end to the options and possibilities.
One of the best ways to reduce nearly countless possibilities for 2020 to something reasonable and realistic is to begin by listing only the things that deliver the most significant results.
The list will be very different for everyone, but in concept, it might look something like this:
- Influence the culture where you work in a positive way.
- Improve a specific skill so you become a better leader.
- Start a new hobby or learn a new language.
- Coach and mentor five young leaders.
- Write a book.
- Give generously to someone in need.
- Place strategy and execution over more ideas.
- Improve your physical health through diet and exercise.
What does this list spark in your mind and heart?
Make your list and make it specific and personal to you.
Pray as you think it through.
Perhaps bounce it off a couple of close confidants for their wisdom.
I have an unusually high sense of faith and anticipation for the new year; I hope this post helps you feel the same way.
These three smart choices will not guarantee a year without blemishes and mistakes, but they will create a foundation for a year you are proud of, grateful for, and one of no regrets.
Thanks Dan
Great advice and we’ll said. Now it’s ALL in the execution.
Hey John, it really is all in the execution…
I pray your 2020 is healthy and productive!
Shalom Dan … Thank you for the timely post. Very helpful especially as I was preparing our Cross Over sermon. Blessings
Hi Dan,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I love reading your posts even though I rarely comment.
Today, an excerpt from this section really caught my attention.
1) Chase after the fullness of following Jesus.
“Choosing to serve others with joy and consistency. Jesus is the opposite of selfish in every sense; he lived daily to serve others.”
My thoughts:
Jesus was at times reactionary as he served others—but as you (& the Gospels) point out, that was not his overarching strategy, mission, or purpose. To do (“chase”) the will of his Father was the driving force of his life. Sometimes that even meant shaking the dust off his sandals and moving on from a particular person or place—a practice that was maintained by the disciples after Jesus ascended (Acts 13:51).
While Jesus lived daily to serve others, he did so with the will of the Father in mind. And, he did not allow those individual acts of service to keep him from fulfilling his purpose.
Thank you for putting this post together!
Sincerely, Steve L
Hi Steve.
Thank you for your thoughts and comments… they are insightful and I fully agree.
Jesus did live to do the will of the Father, which in part was serving others. One of the most difficult things (you mentioned) is to discern is the “shaking off of dust” and moving on… it’s the will of the Father that makes that discernment possible.
Glad you find value in these posts Steve.
So glad you found this helpful Willard. Blessings!
Thanks for the great insights very educative and inspiring. God bless you
Glad it was helpful to you Ken!
This is sermon series material. I’m picturing a line of different types of shoes and boots on the platform. Running shoes, hi-heel shoes, wading boots, hiking boots…etc. each type could represent the speed of success, or difficulty of success.
May I have permission to RUN with this idea?
Of course!
And what a great idea Travis!
If you think of it, drop me a note and tell me how it goes.
I have been making/updating my list of goals (1 yr, 5 yr, 10 yr, rest of life) for the past 40 years and I can tell you that it has made all the difference!
That’s great! Keep it up! And I pray God’s best for you in 2020!