Easter is only about six weeks away. March 27th will arguably carry the greatest potential to reach the unchurched for Jesus over any other weekend the rest of the year.
Are you ready?
Practical questions to help you prepare:
- What do you want to improve upon from last Easter?
- Do you have the right people at the planning table?
- What will your service times be?
- What are the additional expenses for your Easter weekend?
- Is your creative team well under way preparing worship, video, and other service elements?
- Do you need any additional special musicians or singers? Special equipment?
- How will you advertise?
- How will you leverage social media?
- How will you inspire your congregation to invite their friends?
- What is your plan for fervent prayer for salvations?
- How will you follow up with first time visitors?
- What is your follow up plan for new Christians?
- What is the topic or sermon series immediately following Easter?
Three big ideas to help you have a strong Easter:
Culturally Sensitive
This does not infer political positioning, it’s about an awareness of current culture. What are the problems, events, stresses and social impacts that are on people’s minds? How can you make the gospel relevant to the unchurched? Don’t preach to Christians who could deliver the message themselves, in a language that only Christians can understand. Speak to those who are disenfranchised from the church or far from God.
Biblically Bold
Don’t be timid when it comes to the message. People want to know what you believe, and they want to know you believe it! I’m not suggesting to preach louder because its Easter. It is important, however, that you speak with conviction from your heart. Be bold. Sin is sin and eternity is a really long time. Heaven is just a much better choice! It’s an amazing gift. People desperately need Jesus and you get to help lead the way. Click & Tweet!
Relationally Warm
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. To be blunt, if your Easter guests are turned off by grumpy ushers, a messy and understaffed nursery, and cold cheap coffee, they won’t hear one word of your message — and you won’t see them until next Easter. It’s important that your actions communicate that your guests are important. Let them know they matter. Talk with them, pray with them, laugh with them, and serve them well! Be real, be yourself, and put intentional effort into loving people!
Pray. I trust this is helpful to you but we all know that nothing trumps the power of prayer. You just can’t start praying too early for God to do a great work on Easter!
LOVE the planning Dan.
Is it just possible that Easter is the Omega and the Alpha?