It’s wise to acknowledge the limits of your leadership and lean into all that God has for you.
Your leadership has limits; mine does too. But we don’t have to remain constrained in what God wants to accomplish through us. God provides what we need.
One example is how God continues to encourage, enlighten and equip us as leaders through the power of His Word.
Scripture is alive and fresh every moment. The Holy Spirit translates it into our hearts according to the need.
One morning this week, as I was reading Romans 12:9-21, the words seemed to jump off the page in a fresh way for all of us as leaders.

The 17 beliefs or values directly from that passage are challenging to maintain on a consistent basis, but when lived out, their impact is transformational.
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:9-21 (NIV)
As you read through the list, prayerfully select just 3 that would be most beneficial for you to focus on this month.
17 Point Leadership Creed:
- This creed of biblical beliefs is written in action form.
- Which 3 will you focus on?
1) Your love must be sincere.
The sincerity of your love increases the depth of your love. Insincere love feels shallow and rings hollow; people quickly sense it and rarely trust those leaders.
Sincere love is best demonstrated by how well you care about people.
2) Hate what is evil; overcome it by doing good.
Seek what is good, hold to what is good, and do what is good. This simple pattern is the best way to overcome what is evil.
It isn’t enough to denounce evil by words alone; it’s necessary to take action. Fighting evil directly is one method, but a better way is to do good.
3) Devote yourself to others in love.
Leadership often requires a selfless giving of yourself away to those you serve. It is in that selfless abandon that Christ’s love is experienced most fully.
The beauty and power of the love of God is that the love you give often comes back to you.
4) Honor others over yourself.
Communicating respect, dignity, and esteem is uplifting within the body of Christ. It strengthens others and helps create a healthy environment.
Demonstrating honor is a beautiful way to encourage and serve others.
5) Never be lacking in zeal.
Remember for a moment your zeal as a new Christian; it is important to pursue that same spiritual fervor in serving God today. Take care of yourself, don’t burn out.
Your zeal for God as a leader is contagious!
6) Be joyful in hope.
Your vision as a leader is always connected to the hope of salvation and eternal life. There is great joy in leading others to something better in the future, both here and now and in heaven.
7) Be patient in affliction.
We were never promised a life without pain; in fact, scripture clearly speaks of suffering. But we serve a Savior who understands our pain and is always with us.
Don’t quit.
Patience upon God’s timing and endurance to lead well even in difficult times is part of our calling.
8) Be faithful in prayer.
9) Practice generosity.
When you live your daily life with the awareness that God is the giver of every good and perfect gift, even the air you breathe, it becomes easier to be a generous leader.
Share with those who are in need.
Great leaders practice generosity as a way of life. They give of their time, ideas, love, and resources.
10) Practice hospitality.
Helping people to feel welcomed and cared for is close to God’s heart.
11) Bless those who persecute you.
Turn the other cheek is not a popular saying these days; taking offense is the more common course of action. But Jesus sets a different example, to bless those who hurt you.
It’s not easy to discern when to stand up or turn the other cheek, but the principle is clear, retaliation is not the best course. Love is the better way.
12) Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who morn.
Empathy matters. When you connect at a heart level with another person, whether they are happy or hurting, you deepen your impact for their greater good.
When they know you understand, they are more receptive to your guidance.
13) Live in peace and harmony with others.
Conflict and the need for conflict resolution is impossible to escape in the life of a leader, but when your heart is set toward peace, harmony, and unity, you’ll always head in the right direction relationally.
Getting along with others is a big part of the art of leadership; it takes passion, practice, and a heart of love.
14) Don’t be proud.
Pride is a great enemy of any leader. When pride creeps its way into your soul, your perspective changes, and it’s difficult to see life as Jesus does.
Pride negatively affects our decisions, what we say, our level of honesty, who we will associate with, expectations, our motives, our ability to learn, and so much more.
Jesus set the example with His humility.
15) Don’t seek revenge.
Forgiveness is always a better choice than getting even. In fact, God says revenge doesn’t belong to us.
Revenge hardens the heart; forgiveness keeps your heart tender.
Forgiveness is not always immediate or even fast. Deep wounds take time to heal but give your soul a chance to mend by asking God to help you forgive.
16) Do the next right thing.
Integrity is essential for your leadership to last for decades upon decades and maximize your eternal impact.
Doing the right thing doesn’t mean without error; all leaders make mistakes. It means walking closely with God, seeking His wisdom, and doing the next right thing as best you understand it, even when no one is looking.
17) Serve your enemy.
Serving your enemy may be one of the most difficult things ever to do, but Jesus calls us to follow His teaching and example.
Love your enemies, even serve them, do good to those who hate you, bless those who seek to take advantage of you, and pray for those who hurt you.
These 13 verses of scripture require a lifetime to fully embrace and live out, and even then, we are flawed. But what a great aspiration for each of us as a leader!
Hi Dan, Never thought of these from a strictly leadership perspective. 3,10 & 11 I have tried to make part of just living; but I think it has been a less intentional part of my leadership. Thanks for this insight! Bob
Hi Bob,
You definitely live out the ones you mentioned and more. For some reason the leadership lens elevates these to another level and even more practical. Glad it was helpful.
I want to say thanks for this message God bless your ministry, daily by the help of the Holy Spirit I can meditate this truth
Hi Nick,
You are most welcome!
This is great, Dan! I want to format this into a doc I can look at on a daily basis while working at my desk. Do you have this formatted already or can I take your words and make it myself? Thanks so much!
Hi Bridget,
Thanks and feel free to take the words and make it yours!
Thank you so much. This is awesome! I will be reading again and again the 17 points as I save GOD
Blessings and I’m glad this is helpful to you!!
I’m not sure how “leadership” should be singled out unless a person is really into teaching people how to be good authority figures. If you want to be a good authority figure, follow Jesus. If you want to be a good ANYTHING, follow Jesus. ALL Christians are called to these character traits.
Bob, the reason why is this: you studied scripture and didn’t try to pigeon-hole it’s truth into a career or personality-type niche. You read and interpreted it the right way. You didn’t transliterate or translate into some specific context. You decided to apply it to your life regardless of what lot or position you had in life.
Ya did good!
God bless ya!
I appreciate your comments.
You are absolutely right, these scriptures are for everyone.
My intent was not to pigeon-hole or to teach how to be a good authority figure, I’m sorry if it came across that way. My only intent was to share something personal from my prayer life and to elevate these thoughts from Romans 12 for the life of any leader who might be blessed by the added commentary.